
23 augusti 2019

An export style (Ulysses) for a thesis – that actually works

Via this link, you can download the export style I have designed for my thesis: UH Book S5.ulstyle. It is based on one of the default styles in Ulysses app, but modified to fill my needs. In short, this export style includes:

  • S5 format, 165x242 mm. This is one of the most common formats for Swedish printed dissertations.
  • Garamond 11/13 for the body, headers etc. in Helvetica Neue.
  • Page enumeration in both numbers and lowercase-roman (because you want those lowercase-romans in the front matter).
  • New chapters start on right pages.
  • End-of-page footnotes.

My thesis frame is written in Ulysses app, one sheet per chapter (or section of the front matter). I exported it to Word in two sections – one for the front matter (in which I used the alternative code for lowercase-roman enumeration) and one for the main body. The included articles were exported separately.
     The front matter section needed some further formatting that is not included in the export style. For example, I have always preferred to fill in the page numbers in the ToC manually. 
     After the export of the body section, I configured the bibliography. Easy peasy once I had figured out how to do this. I have previously published a guide for integrating Endnote with Ulysses. This guide includes instructions on how to configure the bibliography.
     Then it was just a matter of exporting the separate sections to PDF format, collect the sections in one single PDF, add front and back (layouted in InDesign), and send it to the printers. Easy peasy. 

What does it look like? Download the thesis frame (pdf) via the link below and look for yourself: #InFlux. Journalists’ adoption of social media and journalists’ social roles

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